
Golf Events

Men's Opening Day

MEN’S OPENING DAY DATE: Saturday, March 29 TIME: AM Shotgun ENTRY FEE: $45 ELIGIBILITY: Open to all Full Golf Members PRIZES: Gross and Net TEES: Tee choice must be identified by Thursday March 28 (Default is White Tees) HANDICAP FREEZE: Thursday March 27 HANDICAPS: 80% SCORE: Post as Competition FOOD: Breakfast FORMAT: 4-Person team. Pick your own team. Total two best ball scores plus the Red Ball score for each hole. The Red Ball score cannot be used as one of the best ball scores. Players will alternate between being the Red Ball player and must maintain the same order throughout the round. Example Player ‘A’ will produce the Red Ball score on the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th & 17th holes played. Total results for gross and net. Ties will be broken using the recommended USGA method. DEADLINE: 7 days prior to the event.

Golf Events

Mar 29
All Day

Men's Opening Day

MEN’S OPENING DAY DATE: Saturday, March 29 TIME: AM Shotgun ENTRY FEE: $45 ELIGIBILITY: Open to all Full Golf Members PRIZES: Gross and Net TEES: Tee choice must be identified by Thursday March 28 (Default is White Tees) HANDICAP FREEZE: Thursday March 27 HANDICAPS: 80% SCORE: Post as Competition FOOD: Breakfast FORMAT: 4-Person team. Pick your own team. Total two best ball scores plus the Red Ball score for each hole. The Red Ball score cannot be used as one of the best ball scores. Players will alternate between being the Red Ball player and must maintain the same order throughout the round. Example Player ‘A’ will produce the Red Ball score on the 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th & 17th holes played. Total results for gross and net. Ties will be broken using the recommended USGA method. DEADLINE: 7 days prior to the event.